Temporary internship

Parliament approved "Lex Ukraine". It also applies to healthcare

Ministerstvo zdravotníctva reagovalo okamžite s cieľom pomôcť vojnovým utečencom z Ukrajiny a integrovať ich do života v našej krajine. Rezort preto logisticky zabezpečil základnú zdravotnú starostlivosť pre vojnových utečencov a postupne nastavuje všetky potrebné procesy vrátane zjednodušenia vstupu v prípade záujmu ukrajinských zdravotníkov do nášho systému.

The Ministry of Health responded immediately to help war refugees from Ukraine and integrate them into life in our country. The ministry therefore logistically provided basic health care for war refugees and is gradually setting up all the necessary processes, including the simplification of entry if Ukrainian health care workers are interested in our system.

With the legislation of Lex Ukraine, we will allow medical staff from abroad to enter our system in an accelerated form. If they are interested, they can work under the institute of a temporary internship under the supervision of a doctor or healthcare professional in our system. Temporary internships will be possible in outpatient clinics as well as hospitals and in all medical professions. The current regulation allowed the performance of a temporary internship only in the medical professions of doctor, nurse and midwife, and only in hospitals.

Temporary internship means the performance of professional work activities by an intern. The trainee shall be a national of a Member State or of a third-country national who holds a recognized diploma and carries out professional activities.

The healthcare provider with whom the trainee has started the traineeship is obliged to immediately notify the Ministry of Health by electronic means:
1. name and surname of the trainee,
2. date of birth of the trainee,
3. the nationality of the trainee,
4. the registration number of the decision on the recognition of the diploma,
5. name and surname of the supervising healthcare professional,
6. information that the trainee has submitted all documents.

The provider with whom the trainee carries out the traineeship is obliged to ensure that the supervising healthcare professional exercises professional supervision over a maximum of three trainees and is personally present during the performance of the traineeship. During the absence of the supervising healthcare professional, a substitute supervising healthcare professional must be physically present during the traineeship.


Od 30. marca 2022 je účinná zákon č. 92/2022 o niektorých opatreniach v súvislosti so situáciou na Ukrajine /Lex Ukrajina/. V súvislosti s tým dochádza k zmenám v zákone č. 480/2022 o azyle a v zákone č. 404/2011 o pobyte cudzincov.


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