Recognition of foreign diplomas

Recognition of completed foreign education on pursuit of regulated profession in the Slovak Republic

The tasks related to the recognition of a foreign diploma or professional qualification are fulfilled by the Centre for recognition of diplomas (CRD) by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

In case of education or training completed abroad, there are following options of its official recognition in Slovakia:

  • Professional recognition (recognition of professional qualifications) is the recognition of professional qualifications obtained abroad for the pursuit of regulated professions (the professions that require specific training and in case of a foreign qualification a recognition of professional qualifications is required).
  • Academic recognition applies to the continuation of studies or any other purpose, except for the pursuit of regulated professions. It is possible to recognize only the level of education, or the equivalence of the study field as well. Academic recognition does not apply to the Czech documents, which are in the sense of the bilateral presidential treaty equivalent to the Slovak documents automatically.

In case of Slovak diplomas and other education documents, the CRD deals with:

CRD is part of ENIC (European Network of Information Centres) and NARIC (National Academic Recognition Information Centres) networks, and acts as an assistance centre for the recognition of professional qualifications according to the EU Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications.

In case you cannot find the information you are looking for or need a consultation, please contact us by email or by phone (please note that we are available for personal or phone consultations only during the consultation hours).

PLEASE NOTE: No visits to the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas are allowed at this time.

Due to the risk of the spreading of COVID-19, the personal consultations, visits or submissions at the Centre for Recognition of Diplomas are currently not allowed.

Applications can be submitted by post or electronically via the Central Government Portal.

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